Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Kyson and Riley's first day of school"
Riley was so excited that Brian was going to ride the bus with him to school for his first day of kindergarten. I followed in the car so that i could get some good pictures. Brian rode the bus with Kyson on his first day also. They think it is the coolest thing. Brian said when he was on the bus, a little girl turned to him and said " what are you doing on the bus". Riley thought he was the coolest kid, he was the only one that had his dad on the bus. One of the other kid's dad saw Brian get on the bus with Riley, he turned to his wife and said I am now the worst father in the world thanks to Brian. Brian said, well he could have got on the bus to. The things Brian does for his kids.

Kyson is going to third grade this year. He is so excited, he got his first boy teacher this year,
Mr. Shirley. Kyson says he is so cool.
Riley holding up a zero for kindergarten. Aren't we so clever.
I cannot believe Riley is already old enough to go to kindergarten. But he is very ready for it, and has been counting the days.
I think he looks ready, how about you.
I have a feeling Riley is going to be the class stud. Brian said when Riley got on the school bus, all of the kids were so excited to see him. He sure is a hard kid not to love. I think it is his big blue eyes that light up every time he talks, and of course his smile. I no the teachers are just going to love him.
Riley looking just a little puzzled.

I am so glad the kids have fun at school, but are excited to come home. I told Kyson when he left for school to keep an eye on Riley, since Riley rides the same bus home. Well Kyson was the first one off the bus, and took of running. I was wondering where is Riley, thank goodness Britton kept an eye on him, they came off the bus holding hands.
I made the boys there own little banana breads when they got home. Riley was so excited he said "mom you made my favorite, I love you". Such a small thing for a lot of love.
Brinlee was so cute, she thought she was going to school with Riley. She had to do everything Riley did all morning. She asked for her school close, her new school shoes, and of course she had to have her backpack. My favorite was when she kept asking me what her teacher's name was.
When we took the boys to pick out there backpacks, Brinlee had to get one to, and she loves pink so guess what one she picked out.

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